The Nymph's Elegy

A roleplaying Free Company, located on Balmung, in the Crystal Datacenter.Estate: Empyreum, Ward 5 Plot 50


Recruitment: Open

Our Ever-Evolving Ode


This Inspired Ode will constantly evolve, and hopefully you along with it. Will you add your melody and bring the Nymph's song to greater heights?

The Nymph's Elegy is an upstart Merchants' Guild that, in its current state, rides off the reputation of it's founder.Currently, wares include those crafted and gathered by the many Spoken Tribes that inhabit the Realm in its currently explored reaches, with each of the respective tribes getting a large cut of the profit. Following behind this are a number of occultic oddities, and a small inventory of alchemical concoctions.However, the Nymph's Elegy is ever-eager to expand it's wares and reaches, hoping to one day become a Merchant's network and consortium proper, competing with the greats of the business world.In it's current state, the Nymph's Elegy is seeking business-savvy wayfarers, crafters, and gatherers of all walks of life. If this is you, consider joining in our chorus!

Our Role To Play


A small glimpse into the reason for the Nymph Elegy's existence.

The Nymph's Elegy sprung into life in part as a part of the founder's natural progression with this expanding world. Niobe spent many of her early career as a diplomatic liaison for the Beast Tribes of Eorzea, seeking to protect them and help bring them up into the realm of equality. From there, it evolved into doing business with all tribes, helping get them ever-involved in the business world to get their fair share for their magnificent materials.As her role with this dwindled, and the many tribes have inched closer to gain their footing in the Common person's world, Niobe was left wanting for more. To create a business that could both pay homage to her time as a diplomatic and business liaison for her Spoken Family, as well as help others reach new heights with their business. A magnificent union of worlds, that help serve to bring the Realm's many cultures together.

OOC Information

Credit :

As stated earlier, this carrd will change alongside the Free Company - Every milestone matters, be it the Free Company's or your individual character's.

  • The Nymph's Elegy is a Hate-Free zone, inclusive to anyone of any race within the LGBTQIA+ spectrum as well as without. No form of ill-intented behavior or hate that risks jeopardizing this will be tolerated.

  • While we do abide by the lore, we do are not entirely closed off to an interesting and fun concept - As long as it can be explained.

  • While growth is important, you needn't be in the free company to be a part of it - Remember, the initial goal of the Nymph's Elegy is to become a Consortium of renown, outside help is sometimes crucial.

  • Currently, there is no adaptive ranking structure or dice system for roleplay purposes - Though that is subject to change as the FC flourishes.

  • No God-modding or Metagaming, NPC copycats, or isekai characters. We're seeking living, breathing additions to this beautiful Realm that can grow alongside it.

  • Currently, the FC operates on PST, but as growth occurs, that will change.